Prolonged high blood sugar is one of the causes of diabetic retinopathy. This is a condition that affects vision. It happens when blood vessels at the back of the retina are compromised. The vessels supply blood to the tissue at the rear end of the eye where your retina is located.
High blood sugar damages the small blood vessels responsible for supplying the retina with blood. They leak fluid into the retina making it to swell. Over time, the retina is starved of oxygen and it deteriorates causing vision complications. Early stages may go unnoticed due to minimal symptoms. However, advanced diabetic retinopathy can cause total vision loss. Here are tips to help diabetic people avoid total vision loss from diabetic retinopathy.
Get Regular Eye Exams
Diabetics should get comprehensive eye exams at least once every year. Early stages of this condition are easy to ignore since there are no major symptoms. The condition sneaks up on you and you show symptoms during advanced stages. When the condition is caught early enough, you can save your vision.
Keep Your Blood Sugar Low
Telling a diabetic person to lower their blood sugar sounds redundant. However, you must control your blood sugar as much as you can. When sugars spike in your blood, they rapture the blood vessels at the back of your eyes. This is why sometimes diabetic people get blurry vision. Over time, many episodes of these blurry vision incidences can cause permanent vision loss.
Keep A Healthy Lifestyle
Your eye health depends on your optimal health. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. This will help you to control your diabetes as well. Treat yourself to only the things that help you heal. Take a lot of water to always stay hydrated.
Eat A Balanced Diet
Diet is very important if you want to heal from anything. Feed your body with food that will not bring more harm. Lower your consumption of cholesterol, carbs, sugars, and salts. Eat foods that promote good eyesight. Eat foods that are rich in iron, vitamins, and Omega 3. Include lots of colorful vegetables, nuts, and fruit into your diet. Green leafy vegetables are also rich in nutrients. Plan your diet with your nutritionist so that you get the most of it.
Don’t Do Drugs
Consumption of drugs is harmful to your health, even when you do not have diabetes. Drinking alcohol overworks your system and robs it of the healing it requires. Smoking is detrimental to your overall health. If you must drink, stick to the one drink a day rule, and don’t drink every day. Getting high on other hard drugs dilates your pupils, which is a trigger for diabetic retinopathy.
Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise is a must for you to stay healthy. Exercise helps you to shed extra fat and reduce cholesterol build up in your body. It also improves your circulation, which is good for your vision. If you are a beginner, start with light exercises and work your way up to a full workout.
For more information on diabetic retinopathy, visit Eye Care Center Optometrist, PSC, at any of our offices in Lexington, Richmond, Beattyville, Irvine, or McKee, in Kentucky. Call (859) 208-2020 to speak to one of our eye care professionals or to schedule an appointment.